Serenity Zen | Massage SPA

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Achieving Clarity of Mind & Body

The constant ringing of your alarm clock is starting to get to you. As you lie in bed, forcing yourself awake, you imagine how your day will go. You picture the boring, stop and go commute all the way to work, where you’re again forced to sit for hours, being stacked with project on top of project to complete for your boss. You stress not only about the deadlines you have to complete but with the kids as well. What to make for dinner, what activities they have this week, and any school events you have to attend for them. Begrudgingly, you get out of bed, silently wishing it would all go away just for a second.

         Although stress is normal and common, continuous stress can be harmful to your health. Fatigue, headache, and higher risk of illness are all associated with stress, and continuously putting your body through it is harmful. To combat this, you need to achieve both clarity of mind and body, as they are equally important. Clarity of mind comes from meditation and little things such as not using technology before bed. Clarity of body refers to myofascial release, or clearing the body of toxins and the build-up of lymphatic fluids that can cause pain in the long run. Think of the body as a machine, it needs proper fuel and maintenance in order to perform properly. In application to people, this means you need a proper diet and to take care of body through stretching, massages, and spinal therapy.

         Here at Serenity Zen, our services aid in myofascial release, releasing tension in the connective tissue, allowing for increased nourishment and fluids to flow through the fascia. Although only one part in the mission to rid your day of stress, it is an important one. Increasing blood flow throughout the body allows for it to heal quicker and be more efficient in where it deposits the nutrients. Do yourself a favor and book with us today!

Hours of Operation: Open Daily 10am-9pm

(626) 915-8889