Relax and Unwind

Back to school season is a time of excitement for many kids and young adults across the globe. The opportunity to make new friends and create memories, however, can be overshadowed by the stress and anxiety of family and personal expectations to perform well in the classroom or in sports. The culture surrounding education, especially those in or applying to colleges, puts a tremendous amount of pressure on these students to do well.

         Being put under stress due to workload isn’t something only experienced by students of course, and ways to destress should be used by anyone facing any pressure that they feel is affecting their livelihood. One of the first, and easiest ways, to alleviate anxiety is to declutter your desk or workstation. With a clean and organized place to work, your thoughts will be less jumbled and more focused on one task at a time. Another way to help with stress is meditation. Taking five to ten minutes to relax and clear your mind can do wonders for your mental health, especially if you are facing an upcoming deadline or assignment. Sleep, an often overlooked method of stress relief, is very important as well. Make sure that you are getting about seven to eight hours of sleep at night to ensure that your body and mind are properly rested. Lastly, treat yourself by booking a massage here at Serenity Zen. Working all day, whether it be for your job or school, can create a lot of tension in your muscles, especially in your back and neck. Our service will make you feel relaxed, refreshed, and ready to take on any task you face. Book with us today!

Hours of Operation: Open Daily 10am-9pm

(626) 915-8889

423 N Azusa Ave, West Covina, CA 91791

Fitness for Everyone

Looking at the physiques shown in movies and TV shows will have you thinking that weight lifting and dieting is all about the aesthetic. And while it is true that with discipline, proper weight lifting, and a healthy diet will get you a chiseled body, there is much more to fitness than that.


         We are all different in our own way. While some of us enjoy weight lifting, others may enjoy running or swimming. Being healthy is not as strict as one may think, in fact weight lifting does not have to be a part of your routine at all. In an answer published on the Mayo Clinic by Dr. Edward R. Laskowski, he states that body weight training can be just as effective as strength training. Exercises such as squats, push-ups, pull-ups, and planks are all a great way to start, doing these exercises until you can do 12-15 reps easily. Resistance bands are also a great addition, as they bring a wide variety of new exercises and ways to train your muscles. Furthermore, think about taking a fitness class as well. Other forms of exercise such as yoga, Pilates, tai chi, and barre can be very fun plus you have the opportunity to meet new people.

         While healthy for you, exercising can place strain on your muscles and joints, especially if you have not worked out for a while. The body needs rest and therapy in order to recover properly. Consider a full body massage or acupressure therapy to help alleviate the tension and soreness in your body. Book with us today!

Hours of Operation: Open Daily 10am-9pm

(626) 915-8889

423 N Azusa Ave, West Covina, CA 91791

How Head Massages Prevent Migraines

Oftentimes we attribute massages to relief of the body. Sore muscles are kneaded away, and now you are ready to tackle the week ahead. What we often overlook however, are how head massages can aid health; and possibly prevent pain going forward. Recently experts have begun to attribute head massages, specifically craniosacral massage therapy, to numerous benefits.


These include:

  • Releasing tension

  • Easing migraine and headache pain

  • Reducing stress

  • Improving relaxation

These benefits can bring about a great improvement in your everyday life. The long, hard days at work come with much less pain and stress; and even the occasional headache may be much less severe. In fact, one of the lesser known benefits of head massages is the reduction of intensity, duration, and frequency of tension headaches. According to The American Massage Therapy Association this is caused by the relief on the neck muscles. These services are offered here at Serenity Zen. Get a full body massage and relief from your busy life will finally come. Book with us today!

Hours of Operation: Open Daily 10am-9pm

(626) 915-8889

423 N Azusa Ave, West Covina, CA 91791

Achieving Clarity of Mind & Body

The constant ringing of your alarm clock is starting to get to you. As you lie in bed, forcing yourself awake, you imagine how your day will go. You picture the boring, stop and go commute all the way to work, where you’re again forced to sit for hours, being stacked with project on top of project to complete for your boss. You stress not only about the deadlines you have to complete but with the kids as well. What to make for dinner, what activities they have this week, and any school events you have to attend for them. Begrudgingly, you get out of bed, silently wishing it would all go away just for a second.


         Although stress is normal and common, continuous stress can be harmful to your health. Fatigue, headache, and higher risk of illness are all associated with stress, and continuously putting your body through it is harmful. To combat this, you need to achieve both clarity of mind and body, as they are equally important. Clarity of mind comes from meditation and little things such as not using technology before bed. Clarity of body refers to myofascial release, or clearing the body of toxins and the build-up of lymphatic fluids that can cause pain in the long run. Think of the body as a machine, it needs proper fuel and maintenance in order to perform properly. In application to people, this means you need a proper diet and to take care of body through stretching, massages, and spinal therapy.

         Here at Serenity Zen, our services aid in myofascial release, releasing tension in the connective tissue, allowing for increased nourishment and fluids to flow through the fascia. Although only one part in the mission to rid your day of stress, it is an important one. Increasing blood flow throughout the body allows for it to heal quicker and be more efficient in where it deposits the nutrients. Do yourself a favor and book with us today!

Hours of Operation: Open Daily 10am-9pm

(626) 915-8889