Here Comes the Sun

Shedding “Light” on Your Ability to Thrive 

Aside from lighting up our world and feeling joyous on the skin, the gift of moderate sun exposure  actually offers tremendous, life-changing benefits to our overall health. 

Anywhere upwards of 15 – 20 minutes of direct, unhindered sunlight on the flesh (yes, that implies  skipping the sunscreen) may aid in the promotion of things we “want more of” and elimination of things  we “want less of” in the body. 

Sunlight is the primary source of high-quality vitamin D, a vital ingredient in strong bone development  and maintenance. Research informs us that substituting natural sunlight’s vitamin D with that of a dietary  supplement is insufficient nutritionally, so it is important that we get outside! 

For those experiencing chronic anxiety, depression, or insomnia, there is relief in knowing exposure to  the sun’s rays has a positive impact on overall mood and stress management. This is because contact  with direct sunlight boosts serotonin production in the brain. Additionally, the reduction in melatonin  

helps to balance hormones and regulate our sleep and wake cycles—a key exercise of healthy  physiological function and a must if feeling energized, alert, and deeply rested throughout the day is  your aim. 

We’ve comprised a comprehensive list of the most repeated benefits linked between sunlight and  wellness: 

• Lowering blood pressure 

• Diminishing of harmful bacteria 

• Improving bone health 

• Improving brain function 

• Easing depression & anxiety 

• Improving sleep quality 

• Lessening symptoms of Alzheimer’s 

• Healing certain skin disorders 

• Boosting growth in children 

• Enhancing the immune system 

• Reducing the risk of certain cancers 

While it is important to mediate overexposure, studies have shown that tolerance to the rays associated  with sunlight increases over time, so it is best to begin a sunbath routine as soon as possible. 

The next time you find yourself basking in those golden rays, soaking up its goodness, feeding your cells, smile! For any questions regarding exposure to the marvelous gift of the sun or other health-related topics, feel free to reach out and ask away. Until your next 15-minute sun break, stay blooming!

Our Commitment to You During COVID-19 and Always

Update (5/15)
Serenity Zen is now OPEN. Conveniently book your next appointment with the button below.

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Update (4/15)
Serenity’s mission is to provide a serene experience incorporating restorative bodywork that brings you to a state of balance. Although we’re unable to re-open our doors until 5/15, we wanted to continue serving our community by bringing our service to you.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for futuristic Massages powered by AI (entirely contactless), visit our sister store: Futureproof Wellness

Original Post (3/19)
At Futureproof/FP (Diamond Bar) and Serenity Zen/SZ (West Covina), we appreciate the trust you place in us and our people when you visit our Wellness Centers. We are here to serve you, and we want to share information with you about how we will continue to operate safely and effectively once we are permitted to re-open (5/15). Our thoughts are with anyone affected by the Coronavirus.

Taken 1/26/2018; Source: Serenity Instagram

Taken 1/26/2018; Source: Serenity Instagram

Steps We’re Taking for your Health & Safety

  • As a precautionary step, hand sanitizer is available at the front of our wellness studios for use by both staff and customers, and we are conducting enhanced cleaning practices at both our locations. Staff has been instructed to sanitize any and all general public surfaces and we will have dedicated staff members cleaning doors, beds, and tables with CDC approved cleaning agents around the clock. (SZ/FP)

  • Face masks are mandatory for all staff throughout the entire duration of their shifts* (SZ/FP)

  • Although a 20 second hand lather with soap and water has always been part of our core standards studio-wide we are closely monitoring all hand washing stations and assisting our staff to make additional hand washing an added step to our daily routine. (SZ/FP)

  • Deep cleaning and disinfection (Ozone and UV) morning & evening (2x/day) (SZ/FP)

  • As a wellness center, we never allow anyone presenting as sick to work a shift and are encouraging taking the time off to recover if someone should show up coughing or with fever by sending them home immediately. (SZ/FP)

  • “One Use, One Wash”

    • All sheets and towels are washed immediately after every use (SZ)

    • All blankets and pillows are washed immediately after every use (FP)

  • Essential oil blend available containing blend of eucalyptus, peppermint, and melaleuca for antibacterial and antiviral properties** (SZ)

Futureproof Wellness (Diamond Bar)
Himalayan Salt Walls and Circulation System to Support Air Purification:
Dry salt therapy (aka halotherapy, ‘halo’ is Greek for salt) has been researched for the past few decades around the world with very positive results in relieving upper and lower respiratory conditions.  In many countries, it is an approved therapeutic treatment covered by health providers.***

The coronavirus affects the respiratory and lung system and dry salt therapy has shown to provide symptomatic benefit such as in a clinical study conducted that focused on patients with cystic fibrosis. At Futureproof, our Himalayan salt walls diffuse the entire center with its beneficial minerals and negative ions which are circulated to promote a saline environment that is antimicrobial, stopping the growth and spread of microorganisms.****

hospital-grade disinfectant wipes used immediately after each session

hospital-grade disinfectant wipes used immediately after each session

Other Measures
We have asked our coordinators & therapists and encourage all members to support our efforts by adhering to the following protocols: 

  • Stay home when you’re sick.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after touching your nose and mouth or visiting the restroom.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and then discard the tissue immediately.

  • Disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer are provided throughout our wellness centers for your convenience.

As of March 7, 2020 the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Current Risk Assessment of the Coronavirus states, “For most people, the immediate risk of being exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to be low. The virus is not currently widespread in the United States.

As the situation evolves and for the full Risk Assessment, please refer to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

*Masks have been mandatory for all therapists of Serenity Zen since 2017 as hygiene and cleanliness is one of our core values
**Reference Cited:
***Reference Cited:
****Reference Cited:

Book Your Appointment➜

Thank you for your continued trust in Serenity and Futureproof, your support in our Wellness Centers is greatly appreciated as we continue to find balance together as a community.

For all inquiries, reach out to us at:

Nicholas Shih
Studio Director
Serenity Zen/Futureproof Wellness

Move More and Sit Less

On average, people in America are sitting over 10 hours each day. This may come as a surprise to some, however, those of you who work desk jobs or are students will agree that the time you spend sitting is a huge majority of your day. Not only do many of us sit while we work or study, but most, if not all of us, sit while we eat our meals, during our long commutes, and while watching television and unwinding from our stressful days. Chances are you’re also sitting while you’re reading this.


Sitting requires little to no engagement of our muscles, especially our legs and glutes. By not regularly engaging these large muscle groups, they lose their strength and ability to support us, which can lead to injuries. Not only do our muscles become weaker, but being inactive for long periods of time put us at risk for:

  • Obesity

  • Heart disease

  • Diabetes

  • Cancer

  • Backache

  • Dementia

  • Depression

Aside from affecting our health and well-being, sitting for long periods of time can aggravate or worsen preexisting conditions, such as arthritis and bulging or herniated discs. This is because sitting puts more pressure on the spine, which can increase back pain.

With sitting being such a huge part of our daily routines, it’s important to not be discouraged, but instead to act and do the most we can to counter its effects. When it comes to the risks associated with sitting, it’s not so much sitting that’s the problem, but rather sitting and being inactive for long periods of time. Here are some tips for finding a balance:

  • Take breaks. Set an alarm to remind you to get up at least once every hour to stretch or walk.

  • Drink more water. Not only is hydrating good for you, but you’ll also need to get up more frequently to use the restroom.

  • Pace. Utilize your earphones or headset and walk around while you’re talking on the phone instead of sitting.

  • Stretch. There are a multitude of stretches you can do while sitting to not only keep your muscles active, but also to alleviate any discomfort sitting may cause.

  • Exercise. Engaging your core is an easy exercise to do, and not only will it keep your abdominals working while sitting, but no one will even notice you’re doing it.

  • Walk. Park further away from your destination and take the stairs instead of the elevator.

It’s no secret that exercise is the best medicine not just for existing diseases or conditions, but also for preventing them. Although sitting isn’t something we can eliminate from our lives, it is something we can manage and find a balance with. Be aware of your daily activity schedule and make sure you’re including movement to counter the sedentarism according to your own lifestyle. As with any new lifestyle change, it’s important to not be discouraged by initial inconsistencies and instead be proud of your efforts and actions. After all, some change is better than no change.

Katrina & The Waves - Walking On Sunshine

Knots and How To Manage Them

We all have experienced the discomfort of having knots throughout our body, but what are they actually and how do we get rid of them?

Our bodies are comprised of hundreds of muscles, overlapping one another, and are prone to becoming hard and painful due to:

  • A sedentary lifestyle

  • Injury or overuse

  • Poor posture

Our muscles are constantly contracting whether we’re moving and even just sitting! Knots form when the muscles contract, tighten, and do not release on their own. This is what causes discomfort, sensitivity, and even pain.

Body massages increase circulation and improve blood flow, which makes massage therapy extremely effective at releasing tense muscles and relieving the pain. During your body massage, the therapist will manipulate and apply pressure to the muscles, encouraging them to release. Massages also cause our soothing hormones, known as endorphins, to release and reduce anxiety and stress.  

Although foot reflexology does not directly manipulate tight muscles, massaging the dozens of pressure points on the feet can result in a state of total body relaxation. This can help relax the muscles and bring ease to the discomfort, while also reducing stress.

Releasing stubborn knots can take multiple massage sessions. There are, however, a couple things you can do at home to treat your muscle tightness and prevent more from developing!

  • Stretch routinely. Stretching the locked muscle can help release the tension and prevent future knots from developing by increasing your flexibility.

  • Exercise regularly. Exercise improves mobility and increases blood supply to the muscles.

  • Rest as needed. Taking a break from activities that are causing the knots or increasing your pain can prevent them from becoming worse.

Stubborn knots are the inevitable product of our busy lifestyles. Knowing what causes them and how to treat them can improve your ability to perform and prevent unnecessary stress. For more information on how our services can help with your muscle tension, go to:

Sylvan Esso - Signal